

Mongur provides a fluent API to query/update/delete data on Mongodb.

Let's consider the following model.

import {model, Model, field} from "mongur";
class User extends Model<User>() {
  name!: string;
  email!: string;
  active?: boolean

Insert documents

Insert a single document

Single document can be inserted in 2 ways: using save method on model instance or using create class method on the model.

const user = new User({name: "John Doe", email: "john@example.com"})
await user.save()
// Or use the create method.
const user = await User.create({name: "John Doe", email: "john@example.com"})
// `create` method also accepts model instance
const savedUser = await User.create(user)

Insert multiple documents

create class method accepts an array.

// Returns inserted users
const users = await User.create([{name: "John Doe", email: "john@example.com"}, {name: "Jane Doe", email: "jane@example.com"}])
// Or insert 2 object instances
const user1 = new User({name: "John Doe", email: "john@example.com"})
const user2 = new User({name: "Jane Doe", email: "jane@example.com"})
const users = await User.create([user1, user2])

Get documents

Get multiple documents

Use find() to return multiple documents.

// Get all users, returns array
const users = await User.find()
// Get all active users, returns array
const users = await User.find({active: true})

Limit results

Use skip() and limit() to limit the number of documents returned.

// Return 10 users, skip first 10 users
const users = await User.find({active: true}).skip(10).limit(10)

Sort results

Use sort() method to sort results.

// Sort by name ascending, and email descending
const users = await User.find({active: true}).sort("name", "-email")
// Same query but use object to specify sort
const users = await User.find({active: true}).sort({name: 1, email: -1})

Get only specific fields

Use select() to get specific fields

// Return 10 users, skip first 10 users
const users = await User.find({active: true}).select("name", "email")

Get a single document

use one() to get a single document.

// Get a user by email, returns one user or null
const user = await User.find({email: "name@example.com"}).one()
// Get a user by email, returns one user, throws error if not exists
const user = await User.find({email: "name@example.com"}).one().orThrow()

select, skip, min, max, limit, one, sort these methods are chainable.

Update documents

Update multiple documents

Use find() to filter out which documents to update, then use update() to update the documents.

// Make all users active
const updateResult = await User.find().update({$set: {active: true}})
// Make all inactive users active
const users = await User.find({active: false}).update({$set: {active: true}})

Update a single document

Just like updating multiple documents but call one() at the end.

// Update one user
const updateResult = await User.find({email: "jane@example.com"}).update({$set: {active: true}}).one()

Updating can be done on model instance object too.

// Create user
const user = new User({name: "John Doe", email: "john@example.com"})
await user.save()
// Now change something and save the changes
user.email = "doe@example.com"
await user.save() // This will only update the changed fields.

Calling save() method on an object that was already saved, or fetched using find() automatically updates the changed fields. If you want to update only specific fields, it can done by passing the field names in the save method

await user.save(["email", "name"]) // This will update email and name fields

Update and fetch

Mongodb native sdk has a method called findOneAndUpdate. It returns the document when updating, either the document before update or the updated document based on the supplied parameter. The same can be achieved in Mongur using the return() method.

// Update one user and return the document
const user = await User.find({email: "jane@example.com"}).update({$set: {active: true}}).one().return()

Delete document

Delete multiple documents

Use find() to filter out which documents to delete, then use delete() to delete the documents.

// Delete all users
const deleteResult = await User.find().delete()
// Delete inactive users
const users = await User.find({active: false}).delete()

Delete a single document

Just like deleting multiple documents but call one() at the end.

// Delete one user
const deleteResult = await User.find({email: "jane@example.com"}).delete().one()

Delete operation can be done on model instance object too.

// Create and save a user
const user = new User({name: "John Doe", email: "john@example.com"})
await user.save()
// Delete it
await user.delete()

Delete and fetch

Equivalent to Mongodb native sdk's findOneAndDelete(). Call return() to return the deleted document.

// Delete one user and return the document
const deletedUser = await User.find({email: "jane@example.com"}).delete().one().return()

Replace a document

Replace a single document

Use find() to filter out which document to replace, then use replace() to replace the document.

// Update one user
const newData = new User({email: "me@example.com", name: "Me"})
const replaceResult = await User.find({email: "jane@example.com"}).replace(newData).one()

Replace operation is not available for multiple document in Mongodb. So calling one() is optional.

Replace and fetch

Equivalent to Mongodb native sdk's findOneAndReplace(). Call return() to return the replaced document or the previous document based on the supplied parameter.

// Replace one user and return the document
const newData = new User({email: "me@example.com", name: "Me"})
const user = await User.find({email: "jane@example.com"}).replace(newData).one().return()

Bulk Write

Equivalent to Mongodb native sdk's bulkWrite() but with a fluent API. Pass an array of BulkOp operations to bulkWrite() method.

await User.bulkWrite([
  User.BulkOp.create(), // Insert one document,
  User.BulkOp.create([]), // Insert multiple document,
  User.BulkOp.find().update(), // Update multiple document
  User.BulkOp.find().update().one(), // Update one document
  User.BulkOp.find().replace().one(), // Replace one document
  User.BulkOp.find().delete(), // Delete multiple document
  User.BulkOp.find().delete().one(), // Delete one document.

Summary table

Mongodb Nodejs Native SDK OperationMongur style